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Renowned importers and traders of an exotic range of electrical insulation materials.


Vijaya Mercantile Pvt Ltd is committed to making a positive impact on the communities we serve. As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, we recognize the importance of education and are dedicated to supporting the construction of classrooms in schools.


The primary goal to Promote. education, making children of the rural areas self-independent by providing them with better infrastructure facilities in school and eradicating hunger, poverty and malnutrition. The Company remains steadfast in its mission in providing the school with infrastructure with which the students will get better education surrounding.

The Company has contributed in addressing the most pressing needs of the country especially in rural areas through its CSR initiative and program by focusing in the areas of education, skilling, employment, enhancing vocation skills especially among children, women, elderly, and the differently abled and livelihood enhancement projects. By applying its resources towards communities that need it the most, the Company ensures equitable access.

Key Focus Areas:

1. Infrastructure Development:

• Construction of well-designed and safe classrooms.

• Accessibility features for differently-abled students.

2. Quality of Construction:

• Use of high-quality materials to ensure durability and sustainability.

• Adherence to safety standards and regulations.

3. Community Engagement:

• Collaboration with school authorities

• Regular communication to keep stakeholders informed about the project progress.


1. Needs Assessment:

• Conduct a thorough assessment of the school's requirements and available resources.

• Engage with school administrators, teachers, and community leaders to gather insights.

2. Project Planning:

• Develop a detailed project plan outlining timelines, budget, and resource allocation in consultation with school authorities.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

1. Impact Assessment:

• Assess the impact of the classroom construction on the school and the community.

• Gather feedback from students, teachers, and community members.


1. Transparency:

• Provide regular updates on the project's status to stakeholders.

• Share success stories and challenges faced during the construction process.

2. Documentation:

• Since the contribution of CSR is made to Keshav Vidyapeeth Samiti Jamdoli, Jaipur who have registered for undertaking CSR Activities and the Registration Number is CSR00010715 therefore we do not require to maintain records of expenditures.

Conclusion: Through our commitment to the construction of classrooms, Vijaya Mercantile Pvt Ltd aims to contribute to the enhancement of educational opportunities for future generations, fostering a positive and lasting impact on the community.

This policy is subject to periodic review and updates to ensure its effectiveness in achieving our CSR objectives.

Vijaya Mercantile Pvt Ltd